Friday, August 17, 2012

Dragon Master knight

Ok so this deck is one of my favorites. It summons dragon master knight very easy and can possibly OTK your opponent if if your life points are lower than his, by the effects of mega-morph. Mega-morph give Dragon master knight 10000 atk once your lp is lower than your opponents.

Over view:

Really fun deck to play,. some times slow at the beginning. one of its major flaws is that this deck is not really trap resistant. so cards like Magic cylinder could be your downfall.

click image for ygopro deck file

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Final Count Down

This one is a deck i picked up off someone on the Chinese servers. Its annoying as hell as for your opponent and they sit back and watch for 20 turns till u win the duel.
The deck is based around the magic card final countdown, which when activated, in the next 20 turns after the card is activated u automatically win the duel. the deck uses various magic and trap cards to stall your opponent from attacking until the 20 turns are through.

 fun troll deck to play and very annoying for your opponent.

                                                          click image to download deck file

Friday, August 10, 2012


This is where i will poste all my deck files for ygopro for download first one will be :
click the image to download 

 have fun and enjoy  :)